Are you blocking intimacy?
Is your relationship as strong as it can be? Do you want to improve communication? Do you want to argue less? Do you want to increase...

What is happy?
The dictionary defines "happy" as feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. What is your definition? Are you happy when you are...

Self Care
What is self care? And why is it important? Self care includes taking care of yourself emotionally, physically and spiritually. Without...

Are you ready for the new year?
As 2016 comes to a close, take some time to reflect on the year. What are the highlights of the year? What did you learn during the...

What does spirituality mean to you?
What is spirituality? Is it finding a sense of peace? Is it connecting to something bigger than yourself? Is it a belief in God? Does...

Are you grateful?
Life continues to get busier and busier. We hear people talking about being stressed and tired, not having work/life balance and having...

Do you know your love language?
Have you ever thought about how you express love? And how you receive love? Is your love language the same as your significant other’s?...

Are you listening?
Do you have to ask others to repeat something they said? Does your partner get frustrated because you interrupt before she is through...

What is your vision?
I recently had the pleasure of co-facilitating a vision board session. As we started the session, several people shared "I don't know my...

Dancing in the Rain
A few years ago, I read a quote that made an impression on me. The quote is “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about...